Friday, January 30, 2015

Growing in Faith

One section in my notebook is entitled "Faith and Service."  This is an area I want to focus a lot of attention on this year.  It is my hope to grow in my faith, have a more Christ-centered household, and to find ways to serve through my church and other Christian ministries.

For most of my life I have gone to church regularly.  From the time I was in elementary school I sang in the choir and in middle school I became my church's organist.  I continued to participate in the music ministry at my church until I graduated high school.  Unfortunately, when I got to college I stopped attending church regularly despite attending a Catholic university.  I would attend my hometown church some weekends and sing for holidays and special occasions, but never on a regular basis.

After college, I continued to sporadically attend mass, but did not find my way back to worshipping regularly until we bought our first house and settled in.  We were both raised in Catholic homes and brought up going to church regularly, so since having children we have made an effort to be at church most Sundays.  We have had periods of time where it has been very difficult and we've stayed home, but I would consider us regulars at Sunday mass.

Attending mass is important, but truly embracing our faith and being faithful servants is even more so.  I'm not going to lie, some Sundays I feel like I've gained little from being at church.  The kids don't always cooperate and I have difficulty focusing on the readings when I'm helping someone every few minutes.  To grow more in my faith, I need to spend time outside of mass reading and following His word.

We were married by my childhood priest.  Either in conversation or in the card written to us that day, I distinctly remember him encouraging us to find a ministry at our church and be an active member. He encouraged us to be leaders and serve.  Though he is gone now and those words were shared many years ago, I have always held them close to my heart.  With young children it can be hard to be a leader and serve others, but just because it is hard does not mean we shouldn't do it.

This year I would like to find my niche in my church.  Whether it be music ministry or finally accepting the invitation to be a sponsor couple for others preparing to marry or both, I need to set my fear and reservations aside and step up to the plate.  It is time to be leaders in our church and model for our children what it means to be a good and faithful servant.  


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Stop and Focus

The end of January is right around the corner.  It is hard to believe we are nearly through the first month of 2015.  Time is precious.  We cannot get it back, it comes with no guarantee, and, though not scientifically proven, it sure seems to move faster as we age.  It is simple truth that our years, days, and hours are limited.  We can choose to spend them wishing for something better, you know the grass is always greener theory, or we can choose to be grateful and accepting of our life as it is.

Why is it so difficult to choose the latter?  Perhaps because we live in a time where immediate gratification is desired and there are always the Jones' to keep up with.  Perhaps because we move through life racing ninety miles an hour giving little thought or attention to all of the beautiful moments we miss speeding by.  Why do we want to race to the finish line when the finish line means our time in this life is through?

How can we turn our focus away from what is not to what is?  By slowing down.  By being intentional with the use of our time.  To limit our commitments to those which leave us feeling fulfilled rather than those that weigh us down.  By choosing to surround ourselves with people who bring us joy and happiness.  Those who are not afraid to encourage us to stay focused on what is important in life.  By counting our blessings through the beauty and mess which we may find in our lives each day.  By being a faithful servant.

Today, while cleaning through a basket, I found a gratitude journal we started last year.  Ashamedly, we did not do a great job of focusing on and recording our blessings.  On the bright side, there are plenty of pages to fill up this year.  We will keep this near our dinner table and use it as a tool to guide our dinner conversation and recount and record our blessings from the day.  It will be a wonderful way to teach our children to be gracious and thankful for what they have and the positive experiences in life rather than focusing on the have nots and the negative.

I hope our family fills this journal in 2015 with not only the big blessings, but those tiny blessings we might miss if we're too focused on tomorrow and racing through life.  When the year comes to an end, what a blessing it will be to look back and recount all which we had to be thankful for in 2015.          

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Best Yes

Today I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed.  Do you ever have those days where you just don't know where to start, because everyone and everything seem to need your attention?  This has been brewing in my system for the better part of a week and the peak is upon me.  Finding a way to positively handle the situation is going to be the most challenging, yet most important moment in this particular life hiccup.

You see, when someone is this house falls ill, it seems to slowly find it's way in the other kids' systems.  I'm not quite sure what we're dealing with here, perhaps a hodgepodge of germs, but thus far strep throat has been diagnosed.  Couple this with a traveling husband, outside commitments, and keeping everything afloat at home, my brain and body are on overload.  It is time to figure out what can be let go for now.

I have to carefully consider my options and find my best yes.  I'll be honest, the messiness of my house at times drives me insane.  It's the clutter, not the actual cleanliness, I just can't keep up with.  I know I have to declutter and organize this place, but right now it just cannot be done.  Keeping up with the laundry, the bathrooms and kitchen cleaned, and the carpet vacuumed is going to have to be good enough for right now.  The decluttering will have to wait (cringing as I type this!).

Finding a balance with my outside commitments is also going to have to be carefully analyzed.  I am involved in many things, but cannot give my full attention and effort to them all.  Creating a priority list of what must be done versus what I would like to accomplish may help to reduce some of my stress.  Ensuring I have time for fun with my family, husband, and friends needs to make the priority list.  Some of the meetings may need to be put off for now.

It's important for us to acknowledge we may have too much on our plate at any given time.  From my experience, we are not our best selves when feeling overwhelmed and stressed.  In time we will get to those items on the "can wait" list and more than likely, nothing or no one will be negatively impacted in the meantime.  It is hard to say no and delay things sometimes, but doing so without feeling guilty is okay.

There are times when life is unpredictable and we just don't have the time to get to it all.  For someone who is a doer this can be challenging, but I know it is in the best interest of my family and myself to just let some things go for the time being.  My health, sanity, and family will thank me later.

If you struggle with saying no, I highly recommend reading The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst.  It is a helpful and easy read.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Wake-Up Call

Yesterday I completed the registration to view my online records through our health care provider. Once complete, I was able to log in and see my stats from each doctor's visit through in this network of providers.  It is a very convenient system and nice to have everything in one place.  However, there was one little statistic screaming at me:  my weight.

The records went back to the summer of 2012 when we first moved to the area.  I scrolled through everything in the system and looked at the number from the scale in August 2012 and wanted to just kick myself right there.  Granted this was before baby #4, in fact that particular visit was confirming my pregnancy, but still.  What the heck?!

It was a time when I was probably in the best shape of my adult life, perhaps my entire life.  Prior to moving to Iowa, I belonged to a wonderful health club with tough classes and great equipment.  I worked out five days a week for many months and in that time weighed close to what I did in high school.  I felt amazing and energized and vowed to continue this regimen once we moved.

The gym we joined just wasn't the same.  I tried for a long time to get comfortable and find the classes I needed to push myself and never did.  I got pregnant with #4 and really threw in the towel. After she was born, however, I made the commitment to complete the Couch to 5K program.  I ran all summer, lost a lot of weight, felt strong again, and completed my 5K goal.  That was the last time I had a consistent workout routine and boy, can my body tell.

So, now what?  It is time to get back into shape again.  Seeing those numbers climb through the visits in that system really irritated me.  The worst has been over the past year.  I am over it and ready to watch those numbers creep back down.

My big goal this week was to complete a yoga DVD I have had great success with 3 times.  Last night was the first and today I am sore, but plan to find another activity to get the heart rate up and get my mind and body into a routine.  Tomorrow I'll complete the DVD again and fit in one more day to meet my goal.  It is so hard to do this with no gym membership, four kids at home, and an inconsistent sleep schedule, but I am going to find a way.  Setting small, attainable goals helps.

The end goal?  Well, I have plenty.  To run three races this summer:  a 5K, 5 mile, and a 7 mile.  To fit into the cute clothes in my closet (new with tags) and to lose at least 13 pounds.  Oh, yeah, and be able to wear a bikini for our ten year anniversary trip wherever that may be!

My success will be dependent on my word for 2015:  discipline.  Somehow, some way, I am going to have to be disciplined and find a DVD or workout regimen I can do indoors until the weather warms up and I can hit the pavement.  I also need to be held accountable and encouraged.  My husband and I both have lofty fitness goals for this year, so I am hoping we can do that for each other.

I'm sure there are others of you out there trying to achieve similar goals.  It's not just about the weight, but of feeling strong, healthy, and energized as well.  It is about setting a goal and reaching it. I know the road may be long, but it will be well worth it.

Who's ready?!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Finding Joy in Serving Others

This morning I read a post by one of my favorite bloggers, Kristen Welch.  Her writing speaks so clearly to me and I look forward to each new post she puts out.  She is truly an inspiration and I love how her trip to Africa changed her.  She came home wrecked, but instead of burying the heartache and ignoring the pull inside of her to do something she chose to act.  I can relate to her, because I, too, have felt this pull.

I have this soft spot in my heart for children, especially those coming from low-income homes. When I taught, I had the privilege of teaching students on both ends of the spectrum.  While I cared deeply for all of my students, the years I taught in low-income schools had the most impact on my life.  I felt extremely connected to these children and knew the effort I put into teaching and nurturing them made a difference.

My experiences in the classroom have certainly played a significant role in the creation of the programs we provide through From Cover to Cover.  My heart is full when I meet these children and share the gift of reading with them.  I believe, for now, this is my calling.  While it brings much joy to my life, it is not always sunshine and roses.

There are times when it becomes overwhelming.  We have been blessed with many supporters and financial gifts, but if we want to achieve our goals and reach even more children in our community we have a lot of work to be done.  A huge chunk of this work is finding more supporters and naturally, more money.

There are days when I feel defeated and discouraged, but then I read something inspirational and feel invigorated again.  Determination and perseverance eventually prevail, but some days it is  It is so hard to be patient when I want everything to fall into place now!

One of the biggest goals I have for 2015 pertains to From Cover to Cover.  We are exploring becoming our own 501(c)3 in order to be eligible for many more funding opportunities, especially at the local level.  This is new terrain for us both and will be a road filled with bumps along the way I'm sure, but it is our hope to have this finalized by the beginning of the next school year.  Once it is done, we will be expanding the geographic area we serve.

This goal is lofty and has the ability to have a tremendous impact in my community.  I pray it all works out and I, along with my friend and co-founder, have the courage, patience, and knowledge to see it through.  This is an exciting, yet frightening, time and I hope by the time The Year to Get Sh*t Done is complete, I can check this goal off as completed.

Until then, I will continue to serve these awesome kids and teach my own children about the gift of helping others.  No matter the outcome, this has been an amazing journey and I know it will continue to bring joy and purpose to my life.





Friday, January 23, 2015

Waiting Until the Last Minute

For this not-so-little project I've embarked on, I have devoted an entire notebook to writing down my thoughts, ideas, and goals.  Every week or so I take the time to check in and look through the pages I've written on.  I am a self-proclaimed Type A person, so all of my thoughts are organized into their respective categories.  Each week I have taken a few of these goals and put them on my weekly to-do list.  At the end of the week, I am tracking my progress.  So far, so good.

Last week we tackled the unpleasant task of cleaning out the refrigerator and embarked on our journey to become debt-free and live on a budget.  Bet you can guess which task I saved for the last-minute:  yep, the refrigerator.  Not my favorite activity, but my husband pitched in and we were done in no time!

I've set my weeks running from Sunday to Saturday.  Within that time frame I will achieve all I set out to do that week.  There really are no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  If I'm going to get sh*t done, I need to follow through with my goals.  Given the unexpected now four-day long baby illness, I'm behind but I know I can finish.

Tonight we're going to tackle the biggest and most important project on my list this week:  my daughter's fleece tie blanket.  The material has been sitting in the closet for a year, she's asked me numerous times to make it, and darn it, I'm going to make it (with a little help from my husband I hope!).  Tomorrow morning when my daughter wakes up I'm going to surprise her with that blanket.
I can see the joyous look on her face already!

If you're struggling to meet your goals, set which days your week will run from and create a realistic list of goals you can achieve in that time frame.  Don't let anything get in the way of meeting those goals.  Lighten the load and let the guilt, regret, and stress go.  We're going to have an amazingly awesome year of meeting our goals, no matter how big or small!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Y'all it is hard to get it done when your baby has been sick for days on end and sleep has been hard to come by.  I'm giving myself some grace this week as it has taken every last ounce of my energy to care for her all day and all night.  I am praying this doesn't spread to one of the other three.  If it does, we'll be out of commission until February!

This unpredictability is just the norm when you're a parent.  I have found things can drastically change from one hour to the next.  Jeez, I suppose this could be reduced to minute by minute.  It can make life a little more challenging, but this too shall pass. There are times I sadly think of the days that will come several years from now when I will miss the chaos and craziness of having my children at home.  When we're in the thick of it, though, it is hard to imagine that day will ever come.

The important lesson in all of this, though, is to not let the bumps in the road completely derail the journey.  No, I have not made a dent in what I wanted to accomplish this week, but it's okay.  There is always tomorrow.  This week my baby needs her mommy and when there's a rare quiet moment I need rest.

While no one wants their children to feel miserable, there have been treasured moments to be found. It has been ages since I've held my sleeping baby and the snuggles have been aplenty. In no time at all these days will be gone.  I have soaked up every last one of them this week. Sometimes there is beauty in the mess if we open our eyes to find it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Word on the Street

Intentional Living.  This is a very common trend in many of the books I read and blogs I follow.  It is a way of life where little time is wasted, the small things matter, and we are cognizant of our choices and how they affect our families and ourselves.  I love the buzz behind this concept and am doing my best to adopt this lifestyle.

So often we let our every day responsibilities consume the majority of our time.  I am sure we can all count numerous missed opportunities to just sit down and enjoy the precious little moments because we felt we didn't have time.  Our daily responsibilities seem to overwhelm us and may rob us of the opportunity to find joy in the small things which play out in our homes each day.

It can be so hard to just pause and be thankful for our blessings.  To watch our children interact with one another.  To listen to the recap of their day or the next great imaginative game they are playing. To sit down and read an extra book, play a game, or just sit, snuggle, and talk.  I know I am guilty and my guess is you are, too.

How do we go about changing our ways?  How do we become more intentional in our every day lives?  To be honest, I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I have a few ideas which may help.

1.  Designate screen-free time each day.  This isn't just about the kids.  Turn off the tv, shut down the computer and tablets, and simply spend time together.  It doesn't have to be an eternity, but even 30 minutes of uninterrupted time together would make a tremendous difference in all of our lives.

2.  Chuck the phone aside.  Much like designating screen-free time, set aside a few hours to put the phone away.  Let the emails, texts, and phone calls go.  They can wait.  If you have to, hide it.  Sounds silly, but as the old saying goes, "Out of sight, out of mind."

3.  Pencil in some family time.  Hit a park, take in a movie, have a game night.  Whatever the case, schedule it in just as you would an appointment or meeting.  Make this time a priority and follow through with whatever activity you have chosen.  Make it a habit to pencil in designated family time each week.

4.  Lastly, engage in conversation.  Ask questions, share stories, keep the lines of communication open.  The best time to do this?  During a family meal and at bedtime.  In our house dinner can be absolute chaos if we don't intentionally ask questions and steer the conversation in the right direction. We are not consistent, though, and need to make it a point to do this each night.  We have learned a lot in the conversations held around the table and in the quiet moments before bedtime.  It would be a shame to be too busy and miss them.

I am going to work really hard to abide by these rules.  My family is my number one priority and I want them to understand this with absolute certainty.  It is so hard to cut out the distractions or take a break from our to-do lists, but our family deserves our full attention.  We owe it to ourselves to slow down and make intentional choices that will benefit our whole family and solidify our relationships with each other.  I want to model valuing people and relationships over technology, to-do lists, and housework.

Go ahead.  Give yourself permission to slow down and enjoy the small things in life.  Those moments will last a lifetime and become our greatest treasures.



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Budget: Managing Your Grocery Bills

Budget.  Yes, you've heard me say it before and I'll say it a hundred more times this year.  We have created our first budget, which will be put into place in February, and it wasn't nearly as painful as you might imagine.  Eye-opening, yes.  Painful, no.

Today I'm going to touch on one portion of the budget:  groceries.  Outside of our mortgage, groceries by far eat up the greatest percentage of the budget.  While I can't make that number significantly decrease (after all, I am feeding a family of six), I can do my best to stretch my grocery budget as far as possible while still primarily eating organic, non-GMO, and allergy-safe food.

The first and most important step is creating a meal plan.  Each Friday morning I sit down with a cup of tea and plan out the menu for the upcoming week.  This may sound lame, but I enjoy it.  To keep costs in check, I have decided to do at least one meatless meal a week as well as a breakfast for dinner night.  We have also designated a few days to specific foods:  homemade pizza on Friday and soup on Sunday.  That leaves just 3 days a week to fill in.

To do this, I skim through the weekly ads for the stores I frequent.  One way to save money?  Shop around.  I do not do all of my grocery shopping in one place.  It is typically spread out between Target and two local grocery stores.  This gives me my biggest bang for my buck and an opportunity to stick to our organic, non-GMO, allergy-safe food plan as much as possible.

Another money saving tip?  Do all of your shopping for the entire week in one day.  Less trips to the store means gas saved and money as well.  When you have a plan, this is easy to do.  Don't get me wrong, we typically have to pick a few things up during the week, like milk or produce, but having most everything on hand for an entire week saves on impulse buys.

One mental change I have had to make is shifting my focus from spending an allotted amount each week to viewing my purchases as a monthly whole.  Typically I would not want to go over my weekly limit, but when a store has a money-saving deal on items I frequently use, it is in my best interest to stock up if possible.  I'll give an example:  we eat a lot of cheese.  This week it was at least 50 cents less than the everyday price, so I bought much more than I would use in one week.  It was more cost upfront, but if I consider how much I would purchase in a month's time, the savings will work out in my favor.

My last money-saving tip?  Cook.  Eating out is costly and processed foods, in my opinion, offer very little nutrition and are not your best investment.  Home-cooked meals have the most to offer, both nutritionally and financially.  I enjoy cooking, so for me this is the natural way to feed my family.  I love trying out new recipes and fixing our tried-and-true favorites as well.

If you find cooking to be a challenge, I've got you covered.  There are several recipes on my Living Life on the Lane blog that are easy on time, skill, and the budget.  Don't think preparing home-cooked meals has to take hours.  Most of the meals I make take less than an hour (prep and cooking time). The key is to plan ahead, have your ingredients on hand, and plug in your meals to work with your schedule.  Have a later night?  Throw something in the crockpot or prepare a meal the night before so it can be thrown in the oven when you get home.

Spending 30 minutes meal-planning and creating a grocery list will make a tremendous difference in your grocery budget.  It will also help you spend your time more wisely and not stress each evening about what to have for dinner.  It's a great investment and I encourage you, if you don't already, to give it a try.  Soon it will become a habit and you'll be off and running!


Monday, January 19, 2015

I Have a Dream

"I have a dream."  One of the most famous speeches in our history is the inspiration for today's post.  We all know this great work from Martin Luther King Jr.  His desire and passion for racial equality was heard round the globe.  Ultimately his perseverance and dedication to this cause lead to his death, but his life had a purpose.  He followed his heart and made a difference.

So, the question of today is simple:  what is your dream?  What makes you come alive?  Are you pursuing this dream or waiting for the right time to begin I've got a little secret for you:  If you're waiting around for the right time, the time is now.  If you're a parent, like me, there are always going to be reasons to put our desires and dreams on the back burner.  There will never be enough time or money, our spouse and kids will always need us, and the housework, errands, and cooking will never end, but so what.  We were put on this earth to fulfill our purpose.  It's time to get busy doing just that. 

We all have talents.  We all have a cause or area in our lives we feel passionate about.  So why are we wasting our precious time and ignoring them?  Because we feel guilty if we do.  It's time to push the guilt aside and get to work.

I'll be the first to admit I'm a dreamer.  It is hard for me to narrow down what dream I should pursue first!  I have spent many hours conjuring up the perfect plan to make my dreams a reality, but have been derailed many times.  I've let small bumps in the road get me down.  I've been discouraged and given up.  I've realized the timing was not right and pushed it aside.  This year, though, is different.  I am going to persevere.

This year I am going to write a book.  I love to write.  For me there is no better outlet than writing.  When I am feeling happy or sad, uplifted or discouraged, elated or angry I tend to release these feelings in a journal or in Word.  For years this has been my outlet.  My goal is to document "The Year to Get Sh*t Done" and use these experiences to write a book.  

In the end my book may only be read by me or perhaps a few others.  With any stroke of luck I will find this year to be incredibly inspiring and the story that unfolds will offer encouragement and inspiration to others.  Who knows what the future holds.  Regardless, I am going to write my book and turn my dream into a reality.

So what's it going to be?  Are you going to push your dreams aside or will you take the first steps toward fulfilling them?  I hope you'll consider taking the first step.  Life's too short not to!

Friday, January 16, 2015

You Are What You Read?

Today I was cleaning my room (do I sound like a kid or what?) and had a bit of a revelation.  Sound strange?  Stick with me for a bit.  In order to dust off my night stand I had to remove a large pile of books.  They are all books I have read in the past, but have been placed on my night stand to be read again.  While reading the titles, I couldn't help but smile and found myself thinking about the power of the words we read.

The big revelation?  If you want to be inspired to make a change, are looking for encouragement, or simply a little lost and looking for direction, hop online and find a good non-fiction book and dive in. The beauty of our technological advances is this:  there's a book for everything, people have read it, and many have plenty of reviews to help you make an informed decision about whether to spend your precious time reading it.

While I'm all for getting lost in a fiction book now and then (I just finished one by one of my favorite authors), I find reading quality non-fiction books is truly life-altering.  Sometimes we just need a push to break out of our comfort zone and a book may be just the thing to do it.  I am a bit embarrassed to admit that up until three years ago the only books I ever read were fiction.  I received a copy of Kisses from Katie and devoured it in a few sittings.  Once I finished reading it, I couldn't wait to get my hands on another uplifting story.

I made the switch and now primarily read non-fiction with a few books by my favorite authors sprinkled in.  In the past two years I've fallen in love with some awesome Christian writers, like Jen Hatmaker, Kristen Welch, Holley Gerth, and Lysa TerKeurst, as well as authors living a lifestyle I admire, like Tsh Oxenreider.  My husband and I just finished Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover and are more motivated than ever to take control of our finances.  A few years ago I read Daring Greatly by Brene Brown for the first time and have been on a mission to do just that ever since.

Words are powerful.  They make you consider your current circumstances and find ways in which you may like to change or improve upon them.  They can leave you feeling invigorated and motivated to take control of your life and bust out of your comfort zone.  You may even come across a book which touches on some of your fears and insecurities and help you realize you're not alone.

Whatever the case, I encourage you to find a book that speaks to you.  It may impact your life in ways you never imagined.  To think all of this can happen within the pages held in your hand is truly amazing.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sweet Rewards

My first step in this journey was to set goals.  Rather than focusing on one particular goal, I came up with several goals in many areas of my life.  It's kind of how I operate, a very "all-or-nothing" type of gal here.  If I'm going to declare 2015 The Year to Get It Done, then that's exactly what I'm going to do.  Keep in mind many of those goals are on the less-grandiose side.  For the most part I want to make sure I am using my time wisely and making connections with others.  If it takes writing them down in a notebook to ensure they happen, then so be it.

So far this month has been a win in many of the areas I set out to improve upon.  My husband and I have gone on not one, but TWO date nights, we are working together on our finances and paying down debt, we have scheduled fun family time for the weekend, and I've spent time with my friends...all this and it's only the 15th!

To switch it up I bit I have been finding ways to make the mundane housework a little more fun.  I busted out my iPod filled with my favorite songs, cranked it up, and worked on cleaning and laundry.  The kids had a blast dancing and I enjoyed the little pick-me-up, so it was a win-win for us all.  On top of that, I cut a little deal with myself.  I devoted Monday and Wednesday to getting the big chores done (laundry, cleaning bathrooms, putting clothes away) and rewarded myself with some time with friends on Tuesday and Thursday.  The kids got to play, I got social time.  I admit I was a bit more motivated to tackle what I needed to do knowing if I did I would have time with the girls.

It is so very important to set up a little reward system to stay motivated.  Lost ten pounds?  Buy an outfit that makes you feel good.  Completed your daily to-do list?  Take 30 minutes to sit down and relax.  Stuck to your budget?  Set aside some money next month to do something fun with your spouse.

There are countless ways to reward yourself.  Make sure you take the time to do so!  If you're using a notebook, write down rewards that are meaningful to you and create a plan.  It can be so hard when you finish one task and set your eyes on the next, but we all deserve a little pat on the back here and there.  Go ahead, bask in the glory, if only for bit.  I bet you'll find yourself tackling your next goal with a little more enthusiasm.  After all, who doesn't enjoy a little reward here and there?


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Best Things in Life Aren't Things

If you could spend your money on anything, what would it be?  Clothes, shoes, a new car?  My answer is nothing tangible, but experience-driven.  I would travel.  I love visiting new places (especially those with a beach!) and would do so several times a year if I fell into a small fortune.
This is a huge part of my "why."  Why I want to work hard to rid ourselves of debt, save, and invest.  I simply want to be able to pack up the family or sneak away with my husband and travel.

Before we embarked on the journey to become debt-free, we had started a travel fund.  I have a few side businesses that bring in some money, so I have diligently saved every dime I have made so we can take a couple of family vacations this summer.  My husband works hard to provide for our family and we are committed to using his earnings to pay the bills, eliminate the debt, and save for the future.  For the mean time, I have taken responsibility for earning the "fun money."

It is true if you understand your why, the motivation and drive will follow.  We only have eighteen summers with our children and we're going to make the most of them.  Hitting the road as a family creates memories that last a lifetime.  We took our first successful long road trip last summer and had so much fun we have planned two for this year.  One back to North Carolina to our favorite sleepy beach town and another to Texas to make some more stops on our ballpark tour.  Our goal is to see all of the major league baseball stadiums before our oldest son graduates from high school.  We only have ten years to go, but have a good start!  If all goes as planned, our kids will have seen a lot of the country before they ever go off to college.  What an awesome family journey it will be.    

Take the time to consider your dreams and set your eye on the prize.  Create a goal and start meeting the small benchmarks to get there.  We're only here for a short while and as we all know tomorrow is no guarantee.  Don't waste another minute wishing you could achieve that dream.  Take the first step to make it happen.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Mantra

I am nearing two weeks into The Year to Get It Done and feeling very optimistic and driven.  This year-long journey is not about the extraordinary, but rather the ordinary every day opportunities to do something positive and fulfilling.  I want to be present and intentional.

I want to follow through with the projects I've meant to start but haven't.  The dates with my husband I mean to plan, but don't.  The fun family time I want to carve out, but regrettably don't because I am too busy with this or that.

I want to feel alive and at peace rather than burnt out and burdened.  This journey is about all of the baby steps that, when put together, add up to a remarkable outcome.  They make a difference and will eventually lead to a freer way of living.

I want to strengthen my friendships and spend time with those important to me.  I will strive to follow my heart and pursue a life path that is not only fulfilling, but brings joy and peace to my life.

No longer will I be swayed by what others may think or succumb to the societal pressures lurking around every corner.  Each decision will be carefully weighed with our family's best interests at the center of our decision-making process.  The days of "I wish" will be replaced with "I did."  Regrets will be replaced with contentment and satisfaction.

Those dreams that seem too big really aren't.  If you have passion and put your mind to it all things are possible.  At this particular time in my life I feel like I can do anything if I really put enough effort into it.  Each day is fresh with many choices to be made.  I can choose to manage my time wisely, connect with those around me, and pursue my goals and dreams or I can sit idly watching life pass me by.

I think I'll choose the former.  There's not better time than now.



Monday, January 12, 2015

Lightening the Load

Life takes us on a journey of unexpected twists and turns.  Some are welcome twists and others may leave us with with a heavy heart.  We all handle these unwelcome twists in different ways.  Some are easy to let go of and others may stay with us for some time.  It is so hard to carry these burdens and after time we need to make peace and resolve them.

For years I've been bothered by two particular friendships that have slipped away in the last decade.  I have been so confused and hurt by the dissolution of these friendships, yet I've never shared this with them.  I've spoken about it with my husband and one of my best friends, but never the actual people who have caused the hurt and confusion.

In my heart I believed the sadness would eventually fade, but I've come to realize I need to stop waiting for the day these feelings will magically disappear, because let's face it, they won't.  Instead, I have finally allowed myself to be vulnerable.  I finally wrote what I've said in my head a million times and sent it to them.

To be honest, I am not expecting to receive a response.  It would be welcome, but the simple act of finally saying my peace has lightened the load.  It is no longer a burden I am privately carrying around in my heart.  It is freeing and I am so glad it is done.

This may be the first step on a long journey of ridding myself of the hurt and burdens that have followed me around through the years.  It is a simple fact:  we will have our fair share of pain, disappointment, and betrayal during our time on this earth.  In some cases it may bring us down for a bit, but soon after we are able to put it behind us and move on.  Others may bring much more pain. We need to take the time to reflect on and pray about how to handle these situations.

In order to finally have peace, we have to do our best to resolve these situations.  It may not be easy. It may cause us to feel anxious and afraid, but to free ourselves we must be vulnerable.  The outcome may not always be what we had hoped, but walking through life with these burdens is no way to live.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Overcoming the Hurdles

In a perfect world, all systems in our lives would be balanced and running well.  We all know, though, that life is far from perfect.  It is not uncommon to feel success and fulfillment in a few areas of life, yet struggle in others.  Unfortunately, the struggles tend to follow us around and may overshadow the accomplishments we experience in other facets of life.

When I reflect on my priorities, wife and mother easily fill the top slots.  Having struggles in either of these areas greatly impacts my general happiness and well-being.  What may be a hill when all is well on the home front quickly turns into a mountain when it's not.  Life is so much easier to handle when all systems are a go at home.

As you have probably inferred by now, we are struggling at home.  The older our kids get, the less they seem to listen.  When the kids don't listen, we yell.  I hate yelling, but it seems to be the norm around here anymore.  It is so hard to catch the good moments, because it seems like from the time they get up until the time they go to bed someone is fighting, screaming, arguing, and blatantly ignoring any direction.

It is exhausting.  It is frustrating.  Something has to change.  What better time than during The Year to Get Sh*t Done than to make a positive change.  The biggest hurdle?  Where to start.  I think the first step is getting to the root of the problem, which I believe is a bit of a tangled web.

While I'm no expert, here are my thoughts.  Kids need responsibility, structure, and consistency.  The first change we're going to make in this house is in the area of responsibility.  My kids have a few chores we ask them to complete, but they need more.  How do I know this?  It seems like anytime I ask them to do something, I get "a look" or an argument.  Adding in some more chores will hopefully curb these behaviors, as it will eventually become the norm.  It's pretty plain and simple:  we have a large family.  Everyone needs to help out.

We're going to give this a good solid month before I evaluate whether or not these newfound responsibilities have had an impact.  It is my hope we'll be heading in the right direction and can add our second component:  a little more structure.

There are few feelings worse than those associated with "mom guilt."  To live each day feel deflated and defeated is no way to live.  It is going to take some time, but our home is going to see progress.  I just know it.

Today I'll leave you with this beautiful quote about motherhood.  It is so true, yet so hard to do at times.  When the times are challenging, I will do my best to remember that God blessed us with our four babies and entrusted us to teach and guide them through life.  We are setting the example.  It's time to raise the bar and fulfill our purpose.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Where Did the Time Go?

It is hard to believe we are already one week into the New Year!  Thus far, I am satisfied with my progress and am feeling more motivated than ever to get it done.  I hope you are having some success in your journey as well.  Whatever your situation, don't abandon ship.  We have 358 days to go.  So much can be done in that amount of time!

Today I'd like to touch on the topic of time management.  I am sure each of us have our fair share of successes and struggles in this area.  To make the most use of our time, I believe we need to sit down and have a little heart-to-heart with ourselves and ask a very important question:  at the end of the day, how do we feel about the way we spent our time?  Take a week to consider this question each night before bed and answer honestly.  After all, how can we make a positive change if we neglect to truthfully address the problem?

When I consider this question, I find there are nights I feel satisfied and fulfilled and others where I am disappointed and upset with how my precious hours were spent.  Typically I wake feeling energized and ready to tackle the day.  My best work is done in the morning, so I do typically tackle the "must-do's" for the day during that time.  The rest of the day is a crap shoot.  The tiredness sets in and many days my productivity around the house significantly decreases or ceases altogether.

I wouldn't say it is wasted, though.  For a few hours the house is quiet (well, four days a week that is). I tend to spend this time writing, reading, planning, and catching up on my shows here and there. Taking time to rest is okay and I enjoy the little break to engage in my own personal hobbies.

The big question is, how can we manage our time better?  I think there are three components to this answer:  planning, organizing, and decreasing the distractions that tend to suck our time away.  Here are a few ideas in each of these areas:

Planning:  Create a meal plan each week.  Designate a day to sit down, look at the weekly ads, write out your menu and grocery list, and search for coupons.  This will save you a ton of time as you will take fewer trips to the store and each night dinner prep will run much more smoothly.  Take into consideration nights when you have activities or meetings and plan a meal to work with your schedule.

Organizing:  To help with meal planning, keep the recipes your family enjoys, as well as a folder for recipes you'd like to try, in one place.  I like to use Pinterest for this purpose.  I have meals boards categorized so I can efficiently find what I'm looking for or quickly look through new recipes to try.

Create a reusable "to-do" list and hang it in a place you're sure to see it often.  Personalize it to fit your family's needs and tackle a task each day.

Limiting Distractions:  Let's face it.  If you have kids, you're going to spend plenty of time being distracted.  There are fights to break up, lovable items lost, games to play, sick kids to tend get the picture.  I'm talking about distractions we can limit:  electronic time being the biggest.time.suck.ever.  This week I found a website called Stay Focused.  I have put it to use already!  The first site I blocked on my laptop?  Facebook.  I've set a limit on how much time I will be allowed to spend on it each day.  This doesn't help with accessing it from my phone, but after removing the app last month, my Facebook trolling on my phone has significantly diminished.

Social media has its pros and cons.  The biggest con is our ability to get lost in it.  It is a time suck plain and simple.  I'm going to work really hard to spend my time wisely in this area.  I enjoy reading blogs and seeing what's going on in the lives of others, but not to the point where I have wasted days on end when the hours are added up.

Our time is precious.  While we can't get it back, we can choose to spend the hours we do have in a way in which we feel satisfied and fulfilled at the end of each day.  If you find yourself a bit uncomfortable after honestly assessing the usage of your time, more than likely it's time for a change.

Personally, I know I still have a long way to go, but setting goals and being conscientious of my struggles in this area is a step in the right direction.  After all, imperfect progress is better than no progress at all!


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fitness Fun (At Least That's What I'm Telling Myself!)

There are few things more depressing than a closet filled with clothes that don't fit.  After having our fourth child, I set my 5K goal and met it.  Most of the baby weight came off and I fit back into most of my clothes.  I was so excited I went through my closet and got rid of all of my "after baby" wardrobe.

I hit the clearance racks and found some great deals on clothes for the next summer.  I was so excited about them...until summer came around and they no longer fit!  I had let myself get out of my fitness routine and was paying the ultimate price for it:  a closet full of too-small clothes.

One would think that would be motivation enough to get back at it, but too many sleepless nights stood in the way and I have had a difficult time getting myself into a routine ever since.  One of the areas in my Year to Get Sh*t Done is fitness and my ultimate goal is quite simple:  to fit into the clothes taking up space in my closet this summer.

In order to reach this goal, however, I have come up with some personal goals and benchmarks.  To get started, I would simply like to be more active.  Given we are spending our money carefully, a gym membership is out of the question right now.  It's the dead of winter, so outside exercise is not an option (I HATE cold weather!).  That leaves me with one option:  exercising at home.

Luckily I have had this idea in the past.  There are DVD's, equipment, and Wii games just waiting for someone to use them.  That person is me and the time is now.  Today I had a little fun with my kids on their snow day.  We played Just Dance for quite some time which got the heart pumping and yielded some sweat to boot.  Fitness and fun with my kids?!  I could surely do that a few days a week.

Maintaining a workout schedule at home is very difficult.  Setting aside a specific time each day is going to be my best bet.  It is so very hard to get out of bed in during the dark and cold winter, but it may be the best option.  Finding an accountability partner will also be beneficial.  Perhaps I can find a friend (or two) who have fitness goals of their own to check in with each day.  It's time to pull out all of the stops!

If I want to reach the fitness goals I have for the summer, I'm going to have to be disciplined.

There's that word again!  I guess it was a great choice for 2015.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Disheveled No More

It is so hard to stay focused when life is pulling you a million different ways.  I gaze around my house and see "stuff" strewn about, a list of phone calls I need to make, bills to be paid, laundry to be done, house to be cleaned, meals to be made...I think you get the picture!

There are days when I feel like I've been productive and completed many of these tasks, but the list continues to be a mile long.  It is frustrating and I am determined to find a way to remedy the situation.

If you haven't figured it out already, I have a Type A personality.  I like to have a plan and feel in control.  When my house is in a disheveled state, my physical self also feels this way.  To improve my mood and feel more in control I need to get my house in order.

In The Year to Get Sh*t Done, I plan to spend some time each day sifting through the piles of papers, clothes, toys, and other random items lying around the house.  There will only be three options for each item:  throw out, donate, or find a designated spot for it.  Let's just say we are going to downsize our "stuff" and have a purpose for what we decide to keep.

If it were just me living in my home I am confident this would be an easy task to complete, however, with a husband and four young children to account for as well, it may be a year-long process.  In the end, though, this house is getting organized and my wonderful family is going to help with the process and maintain the results.

One room, one closet, one counter top at a time, our home will transform.  Each day the kids will learn valuable lessons in responsibility, teamwork, and, our word of the year, discipline.  I am not sure they will share the same enthusiasm I have, but in the end we'll all be proud of our hard work.


Monday, January 5, 2015

Light a Fire

As many of you know, in 2013 my lifelong friend and I co-founded a local charity called From Cover to Cover.  How we came to be is really quite simple.  In December of 2012, her family was doing a service project for Christmas (making fleece tie blankets for those in need) and our family was collecting money to purchase books for kids in need.  We learned about each other's service projects through Facebook and one thing lead to another.  5 months later we officially launched From Cover to Cover.

What started out as a little dream for two small-town Iowa girls has snowballed into an unbelievably awesome reality.  To date we have donated over 400 book and blanket sets to sweet kindergarteners in our own communities, as well as thousands of used books for classroom and home libraries.  Our latest project, sponsored Family Literacy Nights, is off and running.

A little spark has fueled a fire.  This project has brought so much joy to my life.  While I've never been blind to the needs of those in my community, I never fully grasped how so many live in such poverty that something as simple as a book is a treasure.  I have learned so much from my conversations with the administrators and teachers at these schools and the interactions I have had with the students and their caregivers.   I feel even more compelled to not only help these children, but to share these stories with my friends (and strangers alike!) in an effort to bring more awareness of this unfortunate problem.

This is a huge component in my Year to Get It Done.  We've come a long way, but we have a long way to go and the desire to get there.

What is my point today?!  Search within yourself and find a cause you are passionate about.  Let a little spark start a fire in you.  You will feel so alive when you do!


Friday, January 2, 2015

Making Connections

Relationships.  In the hustle and bustle of life, this may be an area we let slide a bit.  Work, family, home maintenance, and outside obligations seem to leave us with little time to focus on making connections with those outside of our work circles and homes.  Raising a family can be exhausting, overwhelming, and may leave little "me" time, but we need to find time to connect with our significant other and friends.

It may seem odd to set relationship goals, but perhaps bringing this part of life to the forefront and making it a priority will help us to set aside some time to connect with those important to us.

For 2015, I have created the following goals in this area:

-Date night once a month with my husband
-Nightly "check-in" time to share about our day, struggles, and any important information
-Resume bi-weekly book club with the gals
-Social gatherings with other couples

This might seem a little overzealous, but with some planning and conscious effort, I am hopeful to achieve these goals.  Now is the perfect time to start, as midwest winters combined with staying at home with the kids can be a bit isolating.  It's time to break out the calendar and make some plans!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

It's Time! Our Word for 2015

For the past few years I've read about people (or families) choosing a word for the upcoming year.  I have thought about this off and on over the last week and have come up with our word:  discipline.

It's certainly not a pretty word.  In fact, many people probably cringe when they hear it.  In order to find success in the upcoming year, though, we are going to have to be disciplined.  With our time, our finances, and our choices.  If we choose to view this in a positive light, rather than focusing on what we can't have or shouldn't do, I believe we will see great results.

Here's to a wonderful 2015 filled with hope, positivity, and opportunity.  May this be your best year yet!