Monday, January 19, 2015

I Have a Dream

"I have a dream."  One of the most famous speeches in our history is the inspiration for today's post.  We all know this great work from Martin Luther King Jr.  His desire and passion for racial equality was heard round the globe.  Ultimately his perseverance and dedication to this cause lead to his death, but his life had a purpose.  He followed his heart and made a difference.

So, the question of today is simple:  what is your dream?  What makes you come alive?  Are you pursuing this dream or waiting for the right time to begin I've got a little secret for you:  If you're waiting around for the right time, the time is now.  If you're a parent, like me, there are always going to be reasons to put our desires and dreams on the back burner.  There will never be enough time or money, our spouse and kids will always need us, and the housework, errands, and cooking will never end, but so what.  We were put on this earth to fulfill our purpose.  It's time to get busy doing just that. 

We all have talents.  We all have a cause or area in our lives we feel passionate about.  So why are we wasting our precious time and ignoring them?  Because we feel guilty if we do.  It's time to push the guilt aside and get to work.

I'll be the first to admit I'm a dreamer.  It is hard for me to narrow down what dream I should pursue first!  I have spent many hours conjuring up the perfect plan to make my dreams a reality, but have been derailed many times.  I've let small bumps in the road get me down.  I've been discouraged and given up.  I've realized the timing was not right and pushed it aside.  This year, though, is different.  I am going to persevere.

This year I am going to write a book.  I love to write.  For me there is no better outlet than writing.  When I am feeling happy or sad, uplifted or discouraged, elated or angry I tend to release these feelings in a journal or in Word.  For years this has been my outlet.  My goal is to document "The Year to Get Sh*t Done" and use these experiences to write a book.  

In the end my book may only be read by me or perhaps a few others.  With any stroke of luck I will find this year to be incredibly inspiring and the story that unfolds will offer encouragement and inspiration to others.  Who knows what the future holds.  Regardless, I am going to write my book and turn my dream into a reality.

So what's it going to be?  Are you going to push your dreams aside or will you take the first steps toward fulfilling them?  I hope you'll consider taking the first step.  Life's too short not to!

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