Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fitness Fun (At Least That's What I'm Telling Myself!)

There are few things more depressing than a closet filled with clothes that don't fit.  After having our fourth child, I set my 5K goal and met it.  Most of the baby weight came off and I fit back into most of my clothes.  I was so excited I went through my closet and got rid of all of my "after baby" wardrobe.

I hit the clearance racks and found some great deals on clothes for the next summer.  I was so excited about them...until summer came around and they no longer fit!  I had let myself get out of my fitness routine and was paying the ultimate price for it:  a closet full of too-small clothes.

One would think that would be motivation enough to get back at it, but too many sleepless nights stood in the way and I have had a difficult time getting myself into a routine ever since.  One of the areas in my Year to Get Sh*t Done is fitness and my ultimate goal is quite simple:  to fit into the clothes taking up space in my closet this summer.

In order to reach this goal, however, I have come up with some personal goals and benchmarks.  To get started, I would simply like to be more active.  Given we are spending our money carefully, a gym membership is out of the question right now.  It's the dead of winter, so outside exercise is not an option (I HATE cold weather!).  That leaves me with one option:  exercising at home.

Luckily I have had this idea in the past.  There are DVD's, equipment, and Wii games just waiting for someone to use them.  That person is me and the time is now.  Today I had a little fun with my kids on their snow day.  We played Just Dance for quite some time which got the heart pumping and yielded some sweat to boot.  Fitness and fun with my kids?!  I could surely do that a few days a week.

Maintaining a workout schedule at home is very difficult.  Setting aside a specific time each day is going to be my best bet.  It is so very hard to get out of bed in during the dark and cold winter, but it may be the best option.  Finding an accountability partner will also be beneficial.  Perhaps I can find a friend (or two) who have fitness goals of their own to check in with each day.  It's time to pull out all of the stops!

If I want to reach the fitness goals I have for the summer, I'm going to have to be disciplined.

There's that word again!  I guess it was a great choice for 2015.

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