Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Best Yes

Today I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed.  Do you ever have those days where you just don't know where to start, because everyone and everything seem to need your attention?  This has been brewing in my system for the better part of a week and the peak is upon me.  Finding a way to positively handle the situation is going to be the most challenging, yet most important moment in this particular life hiccup.

You see, when someone is this house falls ill, it seems to slowly find it's way in the other kids' systems.  I'm not quite sure what we're dealing with here, perhaps a hodgepodge of germs, but thus far strep throat has been diagnosed.  Couple this with a traveling husband, outside commitments, and keeping everything afloat at home, my brain and body are on overload.  It is time to figure out what can be let go for now.

I have to carefully consider my options and find my best yes.  I'll be honest, the messiness of my house at times drives me insane.  It's the clutter, not the actual cleanliness, I just can't keep up with.  I know I have to declutter and organize this place, but right now it just cannot be done.  Keeping up with the laundry, the bathrooms and kitchen cleaned, and the carpet vacuumed is going to have to be good enough for right now.  The decluttering will have to wait (cringing as I type this!).

Finding a balance with my outside commitments is also going to have to be carefully analyzed.  I am involved in many things, but cannot give my full attention and effort to them all.  Creating a priority list of what must be done versus what I would like to accomplish may help to reduce some of my stress.  Ensuring I have time for fun with my family, husband, and friends needs to make the priority list.  Some of the meetings may need to be put off for now.

It's important for us to acknowledge we may have too much on our plate at any given time.  From my experience, we are not our best selves when feeling overwhelmed and stressed.  In time we will get to those items on the "can wait" list and more than likely, nothing or no one will be negatively impacted in the meantime.  It is hard to say no and delay things sometimes, but doing so without feeling guilty is okay.

There are times when life is unpredictable and we just don't have the time to get to it all.  For someone who is a doer this can be challenging, but I know it is in the best interest of my family and myself to just let some things go for the time being.  My health, sanity, and family will thank me later.

If you struggle with saying no, I highly recommend reading The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst.  It is a helpful and easy read.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you recommended it awhile back. I finished it last Monday and I'm so glad I took the time to read it.
