Thursday, January 29, 2015

Stop and Focus

The end of January is right around the corner.  It is hard to believe we are nearly through the first month of 2015.  Time is precious.  We cannot get it back, it comes with no guarantee, and, though not scientifically proven, it sure seems to move faster as we age.  It is simple truth that our years, days, and hours are limited.  We can choose to spend them wishing for something better, you know the grass is always greener theory, or we can choose to be grateful and accepting of our life as it is.

Why is it so difficult to choose the latter?  Perhaps because we live in a time where immediate gratification is desired and there are always the Jones' to keep up with.  Perhaps because we move through life racing ninety miles an hour giving little thought or attention to all of the beautiful moments we miss speeding by.  Why do we want to race to the finish line when the finish line means our time in this life is through?

How can we turn our focus away from what is not to what is?  By slowing down.  By being intentional with the use of our time.  To limit our commitments to those which leave us feeling fulfilled rather than those that weigh us down.  By choosing to surround ourselves with people who bring us joy and happiness.  Those who are not afraid to encourage us to stay focused on what is important in life.  By counting our blessings through the beauty and mess which we may find in our lives each day.  By being a faithful servant.

Today, while cleaning through a basket, I found a gratitude journal we started last year.  Ashamedly, we did not do a great job of focusing on and recording our blessings.  On the bright side, there are plenty of pages to fill up this year.  We will keep this near our dinner table and use it as a tool to guide our dinner conversation and recount and record our blessings from the day.  It will be a wonderful way to teach our children to be gracious and thankful for what they have and the positive experiences in life rather than focusing on the have nots and the negative.

I hope our family fills this journal in 2015 with not only the big blessings, but those tiny blessings we might miss if we're too focused on tomorrow and racing through life.  When the year comes to an end, what a blessing it will be to look back and recount all which we had to be thankful for in 2015.          

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