Friday, January 9, 2015

Overcoming the Hurdles

In a perfect world, all systems in our lives would be balanced and running well.  We all know, though, that life is far from perfect.  It is not uncommon to feel success and fulfillment in a few areas of life, yet struggle in others.  Unfortunately, the struggles tend to follow us around and may overshadow the accomplishments we experience in other facets of life.

When I reflect on my priorities, wife and mother easily fill the top slots.  Having struggles in either of these areas greatly impacts my general happiness and well-being.  What may be a hill when all is well on the home front quickly turns into a mountain when it's not.  Life is so much easier to handle when all systems are a go at home.

As you have probably inferred by now, we are struggling at home.  The older our kids get, the less they seem to listen.  When the kids don't listen, we yell.  I hate yelling, but it seems to be the norm around here anymore.  It is so hard to catch the good moments, because it seems like from the time they get up until the time they go to bed someone is fighting, screaming, arguing, and blatantly ignoring any direction.

It is exhausting.  It is frustrating.  Something has to change.  What better time than during The Year to Get Sh*t Done than to make a positive change.  The biggest hurdle?  Where to start.  I think the first step is getting to the root of the problem, which I believe is a bit of a tangled web.

While I'm no expert, here are my thoughts.  Kids need responsibility, structure, and consistency.  The first change we're going to make in this house is in the area of responsibility.  My kids have a few chores we ask them to complete, but they need more.  How do I know this?  It seems like anytime I ask them to do something, I get "a look" or an argument.  Adding in some more chores will hopefully curb these behaviors, as it will eventually become the norm.  It's pretty plain and simple:  we have a large family.  Everyone needs to help out.

We're going to give this a good solid month before I evaluate whether or not these newfound responsibilities have had an impact.  It is my hope we'll be heading in the right direction and can add our second component:  a little more structure.

There are few feelings worse than those associated with "mom guilt."  To live each day feel deflated and defeated is no way to live.  It is going to take some time, but our home is going to see progress.  I just know it.

Today I'll leave you with this beautiful quote about motherhood.  It is so true, yet so hard to do at times.  When the times are challenging, I will do my best to remember that God blessed us with our four babies and entrusted us to teach and guide them through life.  We are setting the example.  It's time to raise the bar and fulfill our purpose.

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