Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Disheveled No More

It is so hard to stay focused when life is pulling you a million different ways.  I gaze around my house and see "stuff" strewn about, a list of phone calls I need to make, bills to be paid, laundry to be done, house to be cleaned, meals to be made...I think you get the picture!

There are days when I feel like I've been productive and completed many of these tasks, but the list continues to be a mile long.  It is frustrating and I am determined to find a way to remedy the situation.

If you haven't figured it out already, I have a Type A personality.  I like to have a plan and feel in control.  When my house is in a disheveled state, my physical self also feels this way.  To improve my mood and feel more in control I need to get my house in order.

In The Year to Get Sh*t Done, I plan to spend some time each day sifting through the piles of papers, clothes, toys, and other random items lying around the house.  There will only be three options for each item:  throw out, donate, or find a designated spot for it.  Let's just say we are going to downsize our "stuff" and have a purpose for what we decide to keep.

If it were just me living in my home I am confident this would be an easy task to complete, however, with a husband and four young children to account for as well, it may be a year-long process.  In the end, though, this house is getting organized and my wonderful family is going to help with the process and maintain the results.

One room, one closet, one counter top at a time, our home will transform.  Each day the kids will learn valuable lessons in responsibility, teamwork, and, our word of the year, discipline.  I am not sure they will share the same enthusiasm I have, but in the end we'll all be proud of our hard work.


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