Monday, January 4, 2016

You Don't Have to Scour the House

2016 is just four days old, but I have to admit I am pretty excited the potential this year holds.  As a person who loves to socialize, entertain, and connect others, fulfilling my mantra for 2016 is going to be a lot of fun.  Date nights, family outings, dinner parties, girl's outings...the list goes on!  This year is going to be FUN!  Not a lot of strenuous work, but FUN!  FUN!

To kick off the New Year we hosted a few couples and their kids for an all-day football watching extravaganza.  It was a day filled with food, fun, and football.  It was NOT fancy, in fact we sat in bag chairs since our son destroyed our couch and we ate off of mismatched paper plates from parties past.  No-fuss, but a lot of fun just the same (except that little part where both of the teams we root for lost, of course!).

How often do we make excuses to not invite people over?  We're short on time, the house isn't clean, we're not great cooks...the list goes on.  Toss all of those excuses aside, call up your close friends or people you'd like to get to know a little better and invite them over.

It is important to show our kids the importance of inviting others into our home.  To be part of a community.  To be good hosts.  It's also important to take the time to build relationships with other couples, share the ups and downs of parenthood, and let loose a bit.

Our New Year's gathering will be the first of many we host this year.  They won't be fancy, my house won't be impeccably clean, and we may eat off of mismatched plates, but in the end we'll have fun, we'll strengthen and build relationships, and we'll be paving the way for our kids to do the same one day.



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