Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016: The Year of People

2015 has come and gone.  It was a pretty spectacular year filled with focus, ambition, goal-setting, and achievements.  2015 had its share of ups and downs, but overall it was a successful, fun, memorable year.  Now that 2016 is upon us, it's time to refocus, set some goals, and work each day to make our little corner of the world a little better.

Some people create big resolutions, others choose a word for the year, and still others do nothing at all.  To each his own.  This year my mantra is going to be The Year of People:  family, friends, relationships, church, community and strangers alike.  When you strip life down to the basics, tune out the outside noise, and truly understand what you need to lead a happy, fulfilled, satisfying life, connecting with others has to rank right up there behind the basic survival needs of food, water, and shelter.

This year I'm going to consciously look for opportunities to connect with others, deepen the relationships I have, and enjoy the new relationships that develop throughout the year.  While I have always been a social person, I find I crave it even more as I continue on this journey staying at home raising my kids.  It can be a bit isolating at times and days can go by without connecting with people other than those living within the walls of my home, but that could easily be remedied with some intentional planning and even a little spontaneity.

This fall I read Jen Hatmaker's book, For the Love, and it sparked this little fire inside of me.  Her words, along with the constant pull inside of me to both connect with others and connect others, has lead to my decision to put people at the center of my 2016.  It seems so simple, but connecting with others is often the first thing to go when life gets overwhelming, we find ourselves over-scheduled, or succumb to the inevitable "mom-guilt" that always seems to creep in when we take time for ourselves.

I am feeling quite excited and intrigued by what 2016 will bring.  I hope to post more regularly not only to document the journey, but to offer encouragement and inspiration to those of you who are looking to connect more with others, develop new relationships, and build a community.

We're off and running.  Who will you connect with today?

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