Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Best Yes May Really Be a No

We've made it to mid-September in this year to get sh*t done and I have to say, I am really looking forward to the last few months of this adventure.  2015 has been a productive and eye-opening year on some many fronts and I am thankful for the decision, made so many months ago, to get some goals on paper and intentionally work to achieve them.

That little yellow notebook holds some big-time goals and ambitions and I am so thrilled with the progress I've made as an individual, wife, mother, and friend.  My husband and I have grown as a couple and worked as a team to work toward achieving some amazing goals and milestones for our family.  I believe this is only the beginning and there will definitely be a 2016:  The Year to Get Even More Sh*t Done!

This second half of the year has brought some really positive changes for me emotionally.  After really looking at my life and all of the commitments I had managed to pile on myself, I took a step back and made some changes.  My stress and anxiety levels have gone down significantly and I have gained the most precious gift of all:  time.  The newfound gift of time has lead me to the start of a new and exciting journey:  small business owner.  Life is pretty exciting right now.

You see, sometimes, even though you have the best of intentions, some commitments are just not great for your overall well-being.  As I've shared before, last year I eagerly took a seat on my kids' school's PTA board and worked my ass off all year on fundraisers, social functions, and planning for monthly meetings with a few of my friends.  We picked up the slack when no one else was willing to give of their time and did our best to support our school to the best of our ability.  It was exhausting and took up way too much of my time and, outside of a few parents and the teaching staff, a completely thankless unpaid "job."

My family suffered.  I suffered and in the end, I decided to step down and part ways with the PTA, at least for this year.  Fact of the matter is, I am burnt out and feel I can support my kids' school in a different, more manageable way this year, and truth be told I feel no guilt for my decision.

It's all about perspective.

Fact of the matter is, my kids are blessed to be able to attend school in a top-notch school district.  Each day they go to school well-rested with their bellies full, clean clothes on their backs, their homework completed, and a hug and kiss from their mama.  So many children all over the world cannot say the same.

My husband and I take an active role in our children's education.  School comes first in our home.  We have expectations and make sure our kids are reading each night, practicing their math facts, doing their homework, and getting enough downtime and rest to be ready to learn each day.  We live a privileged life where valuing education is realistic.  So many parents cannot say the same.  They're struggling to find shelter, get food on the table, and care for their families.
Personally, my best yes has actually been a no.  Rather than fretting about this or that for the upcoming fall fundraiser, I am able to take the time each day to sit down with each of my kids, discuss their day, look at their schoolwork, and ensure they are completing their homework.

I can make dinner and sit down with my family each night instead of rushing off to planning meetings.  I can spend my evening relaxing, reading a book, and chatting with my husband.  I can go to bed and sleep peacefully without fretting about what I am forgetting.

Last fall I was being pulled in a million directions and not giving my kids the full attention and support they deserved, because I was overwhelmed and over-scheduled.  It's been a great lesson for me and one I won't soon forget.

At the end of the day, my family is my priority.  They deserve the best me and it is hard to be at your best when you're stretched too thin.  If you have too much on your plate or have committed to an organization or activity that brings you little joy, don't feel guilty for making the decision to walk away.

Life's too short to sweat the small things.  Enjoy the gifts you've been given and share your best version of yourself with those you love.   Your family will thank you.



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