Wednesday, September 30, 2015

No Need to Cringe When You Hear this "F" Word Anymore

Do you cringe when you hear the "f" word?  No, I'm not talking about that "f" word, friend.  I am talking about this "f" word:  finances.

One of the greatest areas of achievement we've had as a couple this year is in the finance department.  This tends to be a touchy topic and can make people very uncomfortable.  I am here to tell you, it doesn't have to be.  If you're feeling stressed about money and unsure how to make a positive change, there is a way out.  You'll need to be committed and patient, but I promise if you stick with it and have some discipline, you'll see results.

For years, we thought we were decent money managers, but after reading the Total Money Makeover, we realized we had a lot of room for improvement.  When my husband and I made the commitment to follow Dave Ramsey's plan to financial freedom, we didn't know how working through the steps would impact our lives.  It has been nothing but positive.  There have been fewer money-related arguments and our anxiety level has been greatly reduced.

Having a budget and following a financial plan doesn't mean you have to stop having fun.  We can't always do everything we get the itch to do, but we've still had plenty of good times along this journey.  We've had date nights, vacations, and plenty of fun outings with the kids.  The only difference now?  We've budgeted for them!

We are following a new rule:  if we don't have the cash, we don't buy it.  This is one of the hardest parts of the project.  A new TV has been on our list all year, but the time to buy hasn't come yet.  I am sure the day we finally get that new TV, we'll leave feeling accomplished and happy, rather than guilty and stressed about where the money to pay for it will come from.

This all stems back to my word for the year:  discipline.  Patience and the ability to say no will go a long way.

We've worked hard this year and made significant progress through these steps.  In a few days, we'll have fully funded our emergency plan and be moving on to the next steps to financial freedom.  Our ultimate goal is to have our home paid off by the time our oldest heads off to college.  We've got ten years to get there, but by staying committed to our plan, I'm confident we can do it.

It is amazing to have a clear plan and be working toward very tangible goals.  If you struggle with money, please do yourself a favor and read Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover.  It is certainly not rocket science, but reading through it and creating a plan that works for you will be worth your time.

My husband and I wish we would have started this years ago, but on the positive side:  better late than never.  Let me know if you take the plunge and share your success stories right here at 2015:  The Year to Get Sh*t Done.  

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