Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Fitness Struggle

Our first summer vacation is right around the corner.  While I am really looking forward to a relaxing week at the beach, I am not so excited about the extra pounds I'm carrying around.  Lack of exercise combined with a sweet tooth has left me quite soft around the middle and carrying a little extra baggage in the back if you know what I mean.  It is really no one's fault but my own and I take full responsibility.  Now that the weather is getting warmer and the days longer, there really is no excuse not to make time time to go for a run several times a week.  Well, other than my body feeling old anyway!

I have set a few fitness goals for myself this summer and I am hopeful my body will cooperate!  I have split it into three bench marks:  a 5K, 5 mile, and 7 mile race.  I am putting little emphasis on race and more on completion.  I am not a "runner."  It has never been something I have enjoyed nor felt very comfortable doing, but with limited workout options and a desire to lose some weight, it is the route I am taking.  

A few summers ago, after I had my fourth baby, I committed to the Couch25K program and had success.  Much of training was more of a mental struggle than a physical one, so this time around I am a bit ahead of the game.  I have already proved to myself I can run over three miles, now it is time to push it even further.  I have gone on two runs this month (not many, I know!) and been able to run over 2.25 miles each time.  It took me weeks to get this point two years ago, so I am pleased this is my starting point.   

While I was stretching after my run last night, my husband and I were talking about how it went.  He is very encouraging and said something to me that really struck a chord:  "I don't think you give yourself enough credit.  You are an athlete."  Huh.  He is right.  In my younger years I played many sports.  I was not a star, but I was skilled, and very competitive.  After high school, I spent many years working out in spurts, but have struggled to consistently stay in shape.  It has been very frustrating and an area in which I would like improve.

I suppose it would make sense to do this during this year in which I have declared to "Get it Done!"  It also aligns with my word of the year:  discipline.  The biggest challenge will be creating and sticking to a schedule.  With four kids and a husband who travels for his job, sneaking away for 45 minutes to an hour is not always easy, but with some planning I have faith it can be done.  

This mama needs to make time for fitness.  Three years ago I was in the best shape of my life and the smallest I'd been since high school.  I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I am going to dig deep and find that inner athlete again.  It won't be easy, but I am hoping by the end of July I'll be able to finish that 7 mile race with a smile on my face!

Do you struggle with setting time for your health and fitness?  What holds you up?  Have you successfully implemented a fitness routine?  Share your tips!

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