Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Struggle to Just "Be"

What if we removed all of the unnecessary extras from our lives?  Would we feel more relaxed, less stressed, and more at peace or would the opposite occur?  Would we feel unsettled, more stress because we're missing out, or dare I say, lost, because we're not running ourselves to the bone?  It's an experiment worth exploring and an idea that's being weighing heavy on my heart for the past few weeks.  What if I reduced the amount of "stuff" I fill my days with and instead concentrate on just a few things.

Today I came across this post on the epidemic of busyness.  We're so accustomed to being busy that not having anything to do causes us to feel uncomfortable.  How sad.  I am just as guilty as the next person at being busy, though much of my busyness occurs within the walls of my home.  Truth be told, I am a bit of a homebody, at least during the day.  I have a difficult time sitting still and feeling content just "being."  I can sit and happily read for hours, but I have a hard time just sitting...period.

So, what gives?  How am I going to un-busy my life.  For the meantime, I am going to take a step back and let go what doesn't have to be done.  While I take great joy in expressing my thoughts through writing, I am going to continue to take a step back and write once a week, at most.  Though I am itching at the bit to start a new business venture, I am going to wait until all is good on the home front and the timing is right.

Instead, I am going to focus on my family, my home, my well-being, and my charity.  Sounds a little selfish, "my, my, my," but in my eyes, it is so very unselfish.  To be happy, content, and fulfilled, I need to focus on my husband and children.  I need to create a home that is peaceful and simple.  I need to take care of my physical health, spend time with my friends, and reflect on ways to re-energize and refresh.  Lastly, I need to tend to the activities and networking that needs to be done to ensure our charity continues to grow and serve our community.

I think it is safe to say all of the aforementioned activities will take time, but it will be time well spent.  By nature I am a go-getter.  It hard for me to slow down, but it is time to pull the pedal back a bit and let some things go.  It is time to re-train the brain and simply enjoy "being."


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