Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Through Our Children's Eyes

During dinner last night we went around the table and shared our blessings for the day.  After adding them to our gratitude journal, we began a fun conversation sparked by one of the children's blessings for the day:  our upcoming vacation to the beach.  Yes, it may still be four months away, but the kids' enthusiasm is hard to contain.

The conversation was focused on what they would like to do and see during this year's trip to the beach.  They couldn't share their ideas quick enough and there may have been a little fighting over whose turn it was, but once the conversation concluded my husband and I looked at each other and just knew this little tradition we have started will be one of their favorite childhood memories once our kids are grown.

7 years ago my mom planned a family trip to the beach to celebrate her birthday.  After a lot of research she decided on a sleepy little beach town in North Carolina:  Topsail Island.  At the time we only had our oldest son who was almost 18 months old.  We flew to North Carolina and met the rest of my family for a weeklong beach adventure.

We fell in love with the place.  This area is about as non-commercialized as you can get.  Sure, there are some beach stores selling the cheesy souvenirs, a few chain fast-food restaurants, and a recently added Wal-Mart, but for the most part this is a place filled with local businesses and beach houses rented out to vacationers like us.  

We had so much fun we went back the following year with a new baby in tow and our son.  Life happened and vacations were put on hold, but last year we decided to make the trip back to the beach we love. It was our first family road trip and it was a trip to remember.  The kids LOVED the place and the house we rented this time was perfect for our family and my parents.

Before we even left last summer, the kids asked if we could return.  We didn't make any promises, but hoped we could.  In January we reserved the same house and told the kids the beach was a go. They were so excited!  One of the first questions they asked:  "Are we going to the same house?!"

And so it begins.  We enjoy traveling and this is a big priority for our family.  While we want to vacation all over the country and hit all of those ballparks, there is something special about having "our place."  The conversation around the dinner table last night confirmed that.  The familiarity of it coupled with the special memories and places the kids already hold so dear to their hearts makes the trip almost magical.

When my husband and I exchanged glances last night it brought a smile to both of our faces.  The kids had left the table and all grabbed a piece of paper to create their list of things to do at the beach this year.  In the big life picture it is not the material items that matter.  It is the experiences we share as a family and the memories we create together that will leave a lasting impact on our children (and us!).  I will happily pass on new clothes and shoes, eating out, and getting my hair done every few months if it means the money I have saved allows us to afford that yearly trip to the beach.

We've found a place that brings our entire family such joy and happiness.  I consider myself very fortunate to have found this treasure when our children were so young.  We can look forward to many years of memories and relaxing on the beach together as a family.  Life doesn't get much better than that!  

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