Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Brain Never Rests

The cold is pressing down on us again and I must admit, I am feeling restless, impatient, and bored. Winter is always a difficult time for me.  I don't know if it's the cold weather, lack of sunshine, or short days, but I struggle each and every year during these long winter months.  Though I may not feel quite like myself, these feelings tend to get my mind churning and with that comes more big ideas.

I am blessed to be married to a patient man who is very supportive and accepting of me and my ideas. Sure, there are times when he might look at me like I've lost my mind, but for the most part he is happy to listen and entertain whatever my tireless brain has come up with next.  I am my father's daughter and that can't be helped.  I'm pretty proud to take after him.

Part of my restlessness stems from my constant brainstorming about how to help out financially around our house.  Staying at home with my kids is a must, so my goal is to create a business where I primarily work from home.  Over the years I've had several ideas, but none have ever quite panned out.  Sure, it's been discouraging and frustrating, but I'm not going to quit dreaming and working to turn one of my big ideas into a successful business venture.

I was sharing my newest idea with some friends this morning.  I'm pretty sure most people think I'm certifiably crazy some days, but this dreaming and planning and aspiring is what makes me feel alive and tick.  As my dear friend said told me this morning, "If you stop dreaming you become stagnant."
I don't want to become stagnant.  I want to keep chasing those dreams knowing each one is leading me closer to my destination.  Only time will tell when I've made it there.


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