Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Big Picture

Getting it done encompasses so much more than just the physical act of completing something on the to-do list.  It involves taking risks.  Stepping outside of your comfort zone to resolve past discretions. Acknowledging your shortcomings and those areas in which you are strong.  Searching within the very depths of yourself to figure out your goals and dreams.  Being intentional with your time and grateful for the blessings you have in your life.

It is taking the time to feel, really feel, what brings you joy and sadness.  To understand what makes you come alive and what leaves you feeling absolutely drained.  It is about accepting the beauty in the mess, while cleaning out the clutter, on all levels, that does not bring you joy and fulfillment.  It is about embracing a less-is-more mentality and treasuring what makes the cut.  It requires listening to those recurring thoughts and following the direction your heart strings pull you toward.

It is about sitting down and reflecting on what is important in life. To focus on our priorities and tune out the noise.  To take time to connect, really connect, with those we hold near and dear.  It is about scheduling time to be alone to rest and pursue our passions, as well as carving out time with our spouse, friends, and family.  It is about cherishing the little things and finding pleasure in the mundane.  To slow down and appreciate life rather than running the race to nowhere.

When it comes down to it, "2015: The Year to Get It Done" is about living.  Truly embracing the life we have been given and putting forth our best effort each day to show love to others and fulfill our purpose.  To use our talents and time to bless others and follow in His ways.  To make the most of the limited amount of time we walk this Earth.  For when our days are through, the physical possessions and the wealth we have accumulated will not hold a candle to the experiences we enjoyed and the relationships we developed and nurtured throughout the years.  

What are you waiting for?  Spread your wings and fly.  Go out there and get it done...

Find the beauty in's all around you.

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