Thursday, May 21, 2015

When Passion and Purpose Meet

Today I am linking up with Jill Savage and Hearts at Home for Third Thursday Thoughts.  This month's theme is Unleash Your Power to Inspire. 

We have been blessed with a purpose.

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.  Do not forsake the work of your hands."  Psalm 138:8

We have been blessed with gifts and talents which will help us fulfill this purpose, but piecing together the puzzle may leave us with feelings of frustration, restlessness, doubt, and fear.  We may have to try and fail many times, but be steadfast in your faith, listen to your heart, and do not give up. 

"Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you."  1 Timothy 4:14

We have been blessed with a passion and when we partake in activities that incorporate this passion while simultaneously fulfilling our purpose, an indescribable feeling washes over us.  Our hearts are filled with joy and in that moment we realize we have found our way.  All of the hard work, restlessness, frustration, doubt, and fear were worth it.

I can attest to this, because, after searching for many years, I have found my way.      

Throughout my journey, I have listened to the whisper in my heart.  I may not have been obedient the first, second, or even the third time I heard that whisper, but in time I have listened.  After high school I went to college to pursue a degree in education.  I spent five years teaching before leaving my career behind to start my new career as a stay-at-home mom.  Four kids and eight years later I still hold that title, but I have added another title to my resume.  One that ties all of the steps of my journey together.    

From the time I was a young girl, I have loved to help others.  The smallest gestures brought me great joy and those memories have lived on inside of me for nearly three decades.  I am now in my mid-thirties and have reached a point in my life where I can say with absolute certainty I am fulfilling my purpose.

A few years ago a childhood friend and I had a little idea.  We were each doing a service project with our families at Christmastime:  her family was making fleece tie blankets and mine was collecting books for children in need.  A lightbulb came on inside of us and we decided to pair the two together and gift them to children at-risk in our community in an effort to promote literacy.  

What started off as a simple concept has grown into a thriving non-profit known as From Cover to Cover.  This week we met with legal council and are thrilled to be moving forward to become an official 501(c)3 organization.  We currently serve the children in our community, but it our hope to expand this program by organizing subchapters lead by volunteers throughout the country.

In two years we have provided nearly 600 kindergarten students with the gift of a book and a blanket and distributed over 3000 new and used books to help children at-risk build their own home libraries.  A few weeks ago we sponsored a visit by Michelle Nelson-Schmidt, an author and illustrator, who shared an amazing inspirational message with nearly 700 low-income children about staying true to themselves, working hard, and following their dreams.   Lives were changed during her visit.  Ours included.

Our journey has only just begun and I cannot wait to see what the future holds.  I have stepped out of my comfort zone time and time again, learned new skills, and dedicated hours to raising funds to fulfill our mission and reach as many children in our area as possible.  Each time we host an event, my heart swells with joy.  I feel overwhelmingly fulfilled.  I soak it all in and come home with the burning desire to do more.  To plan the next event.  To find the money to make it happen...and I do it.

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

Serving the children in my community inspires me.  Every hug, every thank you, every smile...the way their faces light up when they receive their book and blanket is priceless.  Combining my passion for education and God-given gifts has lead me to my purpose and for that I am truly blessed.

2015 is the year to get it done!  Listen to the whisper and find your passion.  It will lead you to a wonderful place.




Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Busy...Why This Word Needs to Go Away

"Busy."  This seems to be the word most of us use to describe our lives.  As a society we seem to wear our busyness with pride, but have we paused a moment to really examine what is truly making us so "busy?"  Are these busy lives we are creating for ourselves and our families truly something to be proud of?  We complain about how we don't have any time for homework, how we don't have time to cook and have a family meal, how we don't have time to go to church, how we don't have time to sleep...the list goes on.  Simply put, we have little time to focus on what truly matters and rest.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gently and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, my burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30  

Children attend school all day, are picked up, and begin the evening rush.  On the weekend they are shuttled around from activity to activity, putting the very things we complain about not having time for on the back-burner.  Sadly, the days of unstructured time for play, exercise, and imagination seem to be fading.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  Romans 12:2

As parents, we have been entrusted with the responsibility of shaping the next generation.  Impressionable eyes are watching us.  Little ears are listening.  These children are looking to us for guidance and it is our job to lead by example.  What are we teaching our children by being so busy we don't have time to eat as a family?  How are we teaching them to value education and be responsible when their homework is finished as they're running out the door because we were running from activity to activity the night before?  How are we teaching them to be grateful for their blessings and serve others in their community when we are too busy to volunteer ourselves?  The hard truth? We're not.

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."  1 Timothy 5:8

The buzz on the street is we're raising an entitled generation of kids.  While it's hard to hear, can many of you disagree?  We have succumbed to the idea that our kids' happiness is measured by all of the "stuff" we provide for them.  Activities, play dates, material items, the latest and greatest technology...ugh, the list goes on and on.  They get what they want and then they ask for more.  They are searching for a feeling of satisfaction that will never come because there will always be something better behind the next door.  Oh, America, what are we doing?

"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  Hebrews 13:5

It is time to take a step back and truly evaluate our lives.  If you are too busy for homework, family dinners, nightly reading, and reasonable bedtimes then perhaps it is time to make a change.  Our children are depending on us to set limits and create a home environment that isn't so busy.  Sure, it may be hard to say no to whatever it is they are "dying" to do next, but in the end, after the tears have dried and the tantrum has ceased, how refreshing will it feel to not be so overwhelmed and, you got it, busy?  Let go of the guilt.  There is no disservice in saying no.  In time your children will thank you.

"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."  Hebrews 12:11

Monday, May 11, 2015

So Much Joy

Ah, Monday is here again.  This particular Monday brings about some mixed emotions.  Last week, the author visit I had worked on putting together for about eight months happened and it was more than I could have ever dreamed it to be.  Amazing doesn't even begin to sum it up.  Deep down inside, I believe bringing Michelle Nelson-Schmidt to speak to the children served by From Cover to Cover was near the top of my life experiences, outside of my wedding day and birth of my children.  The majority of the children she spoke to live in poverty and the gift of hope and encouragement she shared with them is bound to change lives.  Those sweet kids left with a smile on their face, a twinkle in their eye, and walked a little taller after they heard her speak.  The many hours of grant writing, public speaking, and planning were more than worth it.  I hope to be able to provide this gift to more children in my community in the future.

I ended the week on a high and had a wonderful weekend with friends and my sweet family.  Everyone is back to the grind today and I am feeling the let-down effect.  Months and months of my life went into putting together that author visit and I am left with the feeling of what now?  I know I should be savoring the quiet and resting, but this busy brain of mine has a hard time letting that happen.  In my heart I know my work has only just begun working with children in need in my community, but it is so hard to be patient and wait to see lies ahead.  I am confident more doors will open and He will put more on my heart, but I want a sneak peak now!

On the bright side, summer is right around the corner.  Traveling is one of my passions and soon we'll be hitting the road on our first big trip for the summer.  The excitement in my house is palpable and I am looking forward to our adventures as a family.  These vacations will leave us with lasting memories and I feel so blessed we are able to travel quite extensively this summer.

First up is a week at the beach.  A place where we can all sit back and relax.  The kids are already planning their sand creations and the other day my oldest son so sweetly said, "Mom.  The beach is going to be a nice break for you.  We can just run around all day and you won't even have to yell at us."

Well said, my boy.  We can all benefit from a week of no running, schedules, or plans.  I'll be packing up some good books, a journal, and my camera in my beach bag.  I can already hear the sound of the waves and feel the breeze.  I might be experiencing a bit of restlessness and wonder, but I am looking forward to spending some uninterrupted quality time with my family.  Perhaps I'll come back refreshed and full of ideas.  Only time will tell!

Our happy place


Monday, May 4, 2015

The Big Event

May.  Wow, you came up fast!  I was feeling a little down the other day about the progress made during my "Year to Get it Done" project, but after some careful reflection and talking with my good friend, I've come around a bit.  Truth be told, there has been some tremendous progress in the first four months of this project and it happened during the longest, hardest months of the year.  With beautiful weather ahead, the kids home for the summer soon, and a little extra energy, I'm feeling pretty good about what the next eight months might have in store for our family.

The turn of the calendar brings about a packed month of fun, fulfillment, excitement, and relief.  The beginning of the month is filled with activities for my charity, From Cover to Cover.  In addition to a few book and blanket donations, we are sponsoring an author visit for two schools this month.  Late last summer, I began writing grants and speaking to local civic organizations about the launch of our Family Literacy Night pilot program.  Obviously, writing grants and public speaking were not part of my everyday duties as a stay-at-home mom, but they have quickly become a very fulfilling and exciting part of my life.

This project my friend and I started two years ago has turned into my passion.  It has brought me great joy to be able to share our mission and secure funds to add additional programs to help promote literacy and reach more kids in my community.

This project has lit a fire inside of me.  It has filled this unexplainable void I have felt for a long time.  I feel called to do this work and it gives my life a purpose other than wife and mother.  I haven't worked a traditional job in over 8 years and have struggled with feelings of restlessness during this time.  This project has allowed me to focus on a tangible goal and work to achieve it.

The culminating event for the year happens this week and my adrenaline is pumping.  I imagine this is what one feels like when they have worked hard to meet a deadline.  All of the hours of work will soon result in the author we have selected sharing a wonderful, inspiring message with over six hundred children in our community.

I can't help but wonder how many children's lives will be altered a bit by this visit.  How many will follow their dreams?  How many will really soak up her words and choose to set goals and work hard to achieve them?  I will never know, but I am excited to be able to share this gift with them.  To give them hope and inspiration.

I am thrilled to finish up our second year of serving kids in our community and begin planning for next year.  The sky is the limit and I am committed to growing this program not only here in my own community but in communities around the country.  Sharing the gift of a book and blanket has a tremendous impact on the children we serve.  I have seen the smiles, been the recipient of the hugs, and watched hundreds of children's eyes light up when they have received their gift bag.

Our mission may be to promote literacy among children at-risk with this gift, but there is more to this project than meets the eye.  Several times a year we are blessed with the opportunity to speak to and interact with a large group of kindergarten students.  A friend of mine is a counselor with a lot of experience with children living in poverty.  Recently she mentioned this project is conveying a message to these kids that people in the community care about them.  While they may walk out with a brand new book and blanket to snuggle up in and read at home, perhaps this greatest gift is knowing someone cares about them.

This is going to be a great week and I am hopeful many more great moments lie ahead.

Reading a new book

All snuggled up

Sneaking in some reading

Choosing free books