If you could spend your money on anything, what would it be? Clothes, shoes, a new car? My answer is nothing tangible, but experience-driven. I would travel. I love visiting new places (especially those with a beach!) and would do so several times a year if I fell into a small fortune.
This is a huge part of my "why." Why I want to work hard to rid ourselves of debt, save, and invest. I simply want to be able to pack up the family or sneak away with my husband and travel.
Before we embarked on the journey to become debt-free, we had started a travel fund. I have a few side businesses that bring in some money, so I have diligently saved every dime I have made so we can take a couple of family vacations this summer. My husband works hard to provide for our family and we are committed to using his earnings to pay the bills, eliminate the debt, and save for the future. For the mean time, I have taken responsibility for earning the "fun money."
It is true if you understand your why, the motivation and drive will follow. We only have eighteen summers with our children and we're going to make the most of them. Hitting the road as a family creates memories that last a lifetime. We took our first successful long road trip last summer and had so much fun we have planned two for this year. One back to North Carolina to our favorite sleepy beach town and another to Texas to make some more stops on our ballpark tour. Our goal is to see all of the major league baseball stadiums before our oldest son graduates from high school. We only have ten years to go, but have a good start! If all goes as planned, our kids will have seen a lot of the country before they ever go off to college. What an awesome family journey it will be.
Take the time to consider your dreams and set your eye on the prize. Create a goal and start meeting the small benchmarks to get there. We're only here for a short while and as we all know tomorrow is no guarantee. Don't waste another minute wishing you could achieve that dream. Take the first step to make it happen.
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