Sunday, January 22, 2017

Combat the Bad, By Doing Good

Ah, a new era has begun.

I'm not going to lie, Friday was not a happy day for me, but it has fueled a revival deep within me to make a conscious effort to serve and do good things each and every day.

There are times when circumstances are out of our control.  We are just one person in a world of billions, but at the core of our being, we are in control of ourselves every waking minute of every single day.  If we truly understand and embrace this, what can we do with this opportunity?  Will we choose to spread love and kindness or negativity and intolerance?  Will we sit back and complain or hit the pavement and take action?

I can't think of a time where intentionally choosing to get out there and be a positive light in our communities has ever been so important.  Each and every day we have the opportunity to take a step to close the gap and bring people together by seeking out opportunities to serve and encourage others.

There are so many great organizations out there doing amazing work in all of our communities.  Find a cause or a population you are passionate about and dive in.  Don't let excuses stand in your way.  We all have time to pause and serve others.  Initially, it may be uncomfortable, but it won't take long to feel your heart swell as your bucket is filled.  

If, like me, you are a parent, embracing this mentality is even more important.  We are our children's most important teachers.  Children learn by watching and getting their hands dirty.  If we teach them to embrace the gift of service, think of the lifelong difference it will make in their lives and the lives of others.

There are so people hurting and struggling out there, but our eyes and hearts must be open to seek them out.  Maybe it's the neighbor down the street who has recently lost their spouse or a friend who has fallen on difficult times and needs some encouragement.  Perhaps it's a single mom doing her best to raise her babies and needs help making ends meet.  Maybe it's the child living in poverty who needs nutritious food and clothes that fit.  The opportunities are endless.  We just need to take action.

Be creative.  It isn't always about donating money to an organization.  Your time, words, or manpower might be the difference someone is so desperately seeking.    
Growing up, one of my favorite church songs was "Whatsoever You Do."  It is simple, to the point, and a true testament to how we should strive to live our life.  Don't let another day go by convincing yourself you'll take action tomorrow.  Today is the day.

One good deed a day, my friends.  If we all embraced this mentality, our influence would be overwhelming and our communities would be a stronger, better place.  

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