A few days ago, after feeling a little perplexed by the demands that come with four kids and summertime "fun," I updated my FB status: "Once upon a time there was a young woman who was punctual, organized, in shape, and relatively put together...and then she had four kids. The end."
This thought has entered my mind several times, not only this summer, but throughout the past several years. Life just seems so damn overwhelming and chaotic and I find myself struggling to come up with a plan that I can implement and actually see some sort of positive outcome from. I know, I know. Someday life won't be like this and I'll miss it, but seriously, a Type A person who likes to feel in control can only take so much.
Which leaves me where exactly? I suppose baby steps would be the logical answer, so baby steps it is. One, little freaking baby step at a time...ugh. So not my strong suit (insert nervous laughter). I like to see results and fast, so being patient through this process is going to be the ultimate challenge.
Where does one begin who wants to see dramatic results in the least amount of time?
Likely inside of my home. Four kids and two adults equals a whole lot of stuff. I have gone through and decluttered my home several times over in my mind, but to actually do it seems completely overwhelming. First, there will be the ridiculous attachment both my kids and I have to items we've been gifted. Secondly, there are the massive temper tantrums and complaining that will ensue when we part with anything (and I do mean anything) from the offspring. Lastly, the time. This is a project that seems like you just need to dive in and tackle head on, kind of Tasmanian Devil-like, but how in the heck am I going to accomplish that with the littles around all day?
Hmmm...I need a plan. If it follows suit to past home project aspirations, it will likely remain in the planning stage, yet I need it to happen. For reasons I don't want to disclose at this particular time, I need to get my darn house decluttered, so it needs to become a project that is seen through to the finish and it needs to happen soon.
I know once it is complete the weight of the world will be lifted off of my shoulders, but still, so much work (and screaming fits, people sneaking things out of the piles, etc.). Once this project is done I'll be back to post my after pictures and likely to gloat about how, after three years of saying I need to declutter, I actually did it!
It is the first step toward my ultimate goal of feeling a little more centered. Most things in my life have gone awry over the past few years and it really is time to regain some control.
It may require a few cocktails along the way (or each day, who am I kidding?!), but if I can devise a realistic plan filled with attainable goals the ball might get rolling and just keep on going.
Time to lose the excuses.